Conference Presentations & Proceedings
- A. Landi, E. Anastasiou, I. Aviziotis, K. Behrendt, N. Borchard, J. Kantelhardt, S.M. Pedersen, L. Pesonen, K. Reimand, C. Santos Silva, F. Schwierz, A. Meyer-Aurich, “Digitalisation for agroecology: agenda for an inclusive policy”, 6th GIATE Symposium, 18-19 September 2023, Newport, UK.
- E. Maritan, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer and K. Behrendt, “A multi-objective optimisation analysis of autonomous mechanical weeding in arable farming”, 6th GIATE Symposium, 18-19 September 2023, Newport, UK.
- A. Meyer-Aurich, Discussiant in the organised Session: “Challenges and Potentials of Precision Agriculture”, EAAE, 29 August-1 September 2023, Rennes, France.
- N. Borchard, D4AgEcol Poster Presentation, Bernburger Innovation Days, 12-13 June 2023, Bernburg, Germany.
- A. Gabriel, “A monitoring system to track adoption of digital technologies in agriculture over time”, 14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, 2-6 July 2023, Bologna, Italy
- A. Gabriel and M. Gandorfer, “A monitoring system to track adoption of digital technologies in agriculture over time”, In Precision Agriculture ‘23, Wageningen Academic, 2023, 765-772.
- O. Spykman, F. Ebertseder, K. Burmeister, K. Gehring, A. Henkel, “Future Crop Farming”, Poster Presentation, 14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, 2-6 July 2023, Bologna, Italy.
- A. Meyer-Aurich, “Digitalisiation for Agroecology – Eine Europäische Koordinierungs- und Unterstützungsmaßnahme”, 43rd GIL Conference, 13-14 February, Osnabrück, Germany.
- A. Meyer-Aurich, “Welche Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel haben die Landwirte?”, 11th Unternehmerdeat der IAK. Landwirtschaft 2030 – Unternehmen einstellen oder Unternehmer einstellen? 23-24 November 2023, Suhl, Germany.