Twelve partners from six EU countries and one partner from the UK met at the Harper Adams University Edgemont, to further work on a roadmap for enabling agroecology by implementing digital tools and technologies in agriculture. The partners have been demonstrated latest developments of automation and sensors in crop production and animal husbandry. A virtual fencing technology was demonstrated enabling site-specific grazing strategies. These could enable more efficient grazing schemes, saving labour and potentially contribute to nature conservation by the protection of specific plants in grazing areas. The consortium elaborated a protocol to systematically analyse the potential of digital tools and technologies in ten living labs across Europe, which will be evaluated with farmers and stakeholders. We are seeking for participants for our workshops. Check our website for the next workshop in your country and register for participation! You will be given the opportunity to see the newest technologies to further advance agriculture towards agroecology. Furthermore, we want to know more about your thoughts on the potentials of these technologies. We will analyse their potential to contribute to sustainable agriculture and investigate, which policy needs can be derived from that.
Group D4AgEcol with Hands-free ha
Group D4AgEcol with No-Fence
D4AgEcol Group Photo during the 1st General Assembly meeting at Harper Adams University