Do you have an interest in autonomous robotic technology, arable farming, strip cropping and agroecology?


The Harper Adams University is hosting a Digital Tools Scoping Workshop (DTSW) on the 19th April 2024 to discuss the use of autonomous robotic machines to achieve more agroecologically based arable/cropping systems. The workshop is part of the Horizon/UKRI funded D4AgEcol project (Digitalisation for AgroEcology)

During the workshop, the Robotic Strip Cropping experiment on Harper Future Farm will be presented and there will be a discussion on the economics of autonomous robotic strip cropping, its positive and negative impacts on agroecology, and its potential adoption in the UK.

The workshop is open to farmers, advisors, researchers or agri-tech specialists with experience and interest in autonomous robotic strip cropping and agroecology.

Stay tuned to learn about the outcomes of the 1st HAU’s Digital Tools Scoping Workshop!